Thursday, June 18, 2009

25mg, 37mg, 50mg

Last week I wasn't so good. This week feels weird.
VERY sick on Saturday, felt like my brain was not getting enough blood? I'm putting it down to taking 25mg Friday afternoon (along with some painkillers earlier in the day), then 25mg the next morning, and then another 25mg in the evening. But why would my body screw up even if I got the full 50mg on Saturday? Weird.
Last week sick; deprivity. Heart and breathing were acting very close to what Jan/Feb was like.
Yesterday and today I took the full 50mg between 8pm - 9pm, eat 30 - 60mins afterwards. Not really any side-effects yesterday, yay! But I got very... dizzy? Light-headed? I can't describe it.
The past while has been just making me think.. what's the point? This shit is getting in the way of everything so why even bother going through it? I'm sure a lot of other people with messy thyroids that wont get better are thinking the same thing.
Right now my head weighs a ton. Heart is fine, breathing is fine, but my brain just feels like.. it's not getting enough blood? Like my circulation is struggling? I feel kind of faint, but I don't feel faint, if that makes sense.
Okay, sudden sinus pressure. I feel very sloppy or woozy or clumsy or something. Can't sit forward, something is making me lie backwards in my seat.
Please make everything get back to normal!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

*Has returned* 50mg

I'm still alive! ;D
Meds are working fine. No more crazy heart explosions or dizzy spells or headaches, just for a while I couldn't drink anything with caffeine in it without spazzing out.
Loud noises/some situations are still a problem sometimes and I'm gonna get that sorted soon.
Anxiety is going away slowly but surely!! Maybe I reacted bit too bad to Exltroxin at the start and last year, for some reason my body is kind of starting to accept it in some ways although there are still faults. But finally I can miss a dose without freaking out and hiding under the covers.
Hopefully this post isn't jinxing anything ;D

Thursday, April 23, 2009

50mg @ 9:30pm

ive felt fine the past few days bar some little dizzy spells and heart spazzing, but i keep getting really anxious for NO reason. Not taking tablet tonight to see if it goes away tomorrow

Friday, April 17, 2009

50mg @ 9.30pm

No food taken with pill today. It got stuck in my throat or something, heh. My hearts been feeling weird since 6amish, on and off. I feel like im floating. I honestly feel like all this is going back to step one, like in january. I really hope my TSH hasnt risen again.. I have no money to go for a blood test next week ): that and i wont be near my GP

Thursday, April 16, 2009

50mg @ 9:30 - 10pm

Okay, so I survived yesterday morning, haha. I couldn't sleep for ages because I kept feeling like I was 'floating' and waiting for some sort of heart/lung/brian attack to come on at any second.. just a constant feeling of being on edge, it was horrible. I got to sleep and woke up again about 1 - 2 hours later and still kind of felt it, slept and woke up again and slightly still had it. No *major* complaints today since I took the tablet, except my heart and breathing feel ever so slightly off sometimes.
H: 8/10
D/B/H: 10/10
Br: 8

H: 4/10
B: 3-4/10
D: 3/10

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

50mg @ 9:30pm

Getting lazy with this..

Been fine the past few days.
Been in a bit of a daze today, and just now i feel really faint. I need to sleep. Im so scared

Monday, April 13, 2009

50mg @ 6pm - 9pm

I keep forgetting to update!
Around every 24 hours after I take my tablet for the past few days I get breathless and very aware of my own heart.. it goes away after a while when I take the tablet.
I usually eat with the tablet now to avoid side-effects, even though I'm not supposed to :/
Some weird side-effects today; dizziness or a feeling like I am 'floating', it's too hard to explain. Trying to think of some words to describe something but it keeps escaping my train of thought kepps happening and it's annoying.. plus the fact I got REALLY aggrivated/irritated for absolutely no reason. My balance is all over the place today, I keep walking into the walls by accident.
The upside is that I'm starting to get some sort of sense of normality, slowly but surely. It's only started happening since taking food with the tablet.
B: 1-2/10
H: 1-2/10
D: 5/10
M: 2/10 worst: 8/10

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

50mg @ 8pm

Forgot to update!

Pill taken usually between 6 - 8pm the past few days, I can't really remember.
Sunday night I got the worst of it, my heart kept acting really weird the entire evening/night and I couldn't breathe properly, I honestly thought I was going to have a heart-attack. And it felt like there was a uterus replacing my brain (I can't think of any other way to describe it?), I kept having little jolty pains inside my head.
I think I'm pretty much getting back to normal (compared to February), I'm not AS spaced-out as I used to be last year but I'm more anxious than I used to be, I get random sessions of wanting to crawl out of my skin and sometimes still get confusion/spaced-out-...ness.
Nothing serious last night, except a little chest pain and anxiety, it went away after about an hour or two though.
I feel the best usually over 15 hours after I take my pill.

I usually only take my pill now with food (it says to take it in mornings before breakfast) because for some reason it doesn't make the side-effects come on so bad.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

50mg, skipped

I REALLY should take notice of times and symptoms and stuff.

I missed thursday nights dose, 50mg @ 4:45pm on friday and 50mg @ 4:30pm today. Nothing TOO bad, but my heart and breathing went weird.
H: 3/10
B: 3/10

Thursday, April 2, 2009

50mg @ 11:30pm - 12am

I seem to be getting betterish, heart and lung-wise. Its seem only when i think of them that i start to worry and make myself bad, like some sort of placebo.
My mind is still a mess. I just need distractions. Tonight i only calmed down after i took the pill but i dont know if it was that reason or because i was tired.. Time will tell.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

50mg @ 11pm

Taking my meds this late really isnt a good idea :)

Nothing major today, heart and breathing slightly went weird, i think its just from smoking. 3/10.
Im in an okay mood but reality is just starting to hit me. I still have ST's. Am i blaming my meds for head problems that mightn't even be related to eltroxin? Gyaa. Pass. 4/10

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

50mg @ 10pm

Losing weight!

Nothing major today. My heart and breathing kinda messes up when i smoke though, never used to really happen before. My heart went slighty funky and had some sort of hyperventalation around 12.30-1am, gone now.
My moods been fine today.
H: w:4/10
B: 2/10
Bl: ~/10

Monday, March 30, 2009

7am insomnia

My hearts acting up again and im getting dizzy spells even though im lying down. Im too nervous to sleep and im wide awake even though im wrecked. I havent gotten many dizzy spells like this much... Apparently trapped wind can be mistaken for heart jumps.. Im farting like a maniac. Lets hope im getting it all out :'D
H: 5-6/10, now 2/10
D: 7/10

50mg @ 7pm

(Pic: dot where my brow used to end. Forehead baldness! I keep getting unexplainable urges to pull at my eyebrows and they fall out too easily)

Heart awareness and uncomfortableness, trouble breathing easily. This lasted the entire day.

I got really stressed/worried for NO REASON. I wanted to cry but couldn't, i thought i was going to die from being so overwhelmed.


Diagnosed: October 2004, 25mg Eltroxin/Thyroxine. (TSH = ??)
Stop (what a stupid idea): September 2008
Return: February 2009, 50mg Eltroxin. (TSH = 197)
Aim For: ARMOUR THYROID, or alt. natural thyroid.

Side-effects as of Feb 09 (reference):
Less stamina, less energy, longer recovery period, chronic LGD, ST, feeling cold, inability to exercise, thinning outer eyebrows, dry hair, dry skin,
air hunger, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, foggy thinking, inability to function is relationships, inability to sleep, fatigue, breakout on chest and arms, dizziness, hives, exhaustion in every dimention, inability to work full-time, inability to stand for long periods, lack of motivation, crabby/irritable/intolerent of others, peeling fingernails, anxiety/worry, headaches, palpatations, heart awareness, tightness in chest.